The Paulreyno Show

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The Paulreynoshow is the most exciting and funny show on the net today..and its free to view. Here we see the Paulreyno show from its humble and naive beginings transform into what we have today. The show started as the Spliffy Show and developed with the addition of new characters into the very much loved Paulreyno show. Sit back, Enjoy and be entertained. TO DOWNLOAD JUST CLICK ON THE MAIN HEADING OF THE CHOSEN VIDEO

My Veoh Show

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Paulreyno Show - Charity huh!

The Paulreyno Show - Charity huh!
Video sent by paulreyno
The show this week is a little shorter than normal. The featured artist is a musician from Doncaster who goes by the name of Pocket Rocket, his real name is Paul Whinfrey. This Young man is a real musician, the track you will hear was written and played entirely by Paul himself, no gimmicks, no aids, no safetynet. He palyed the drums, the guitar, the keyboards, bass and also sings. I am amazed that he has not hit the bigtime yet. His music is a cross between metal and electronic pop.
So, my appeal goes out to any record producers out there looking for new talent, keep your eyes and ears well peeled for my show only brings the best talent in Doncaster to the fore. Paul is no exception, his talent and his charisma blew me away. He needs a break to get onto the first step towards his destined stardom.
Enjoy the Show, the stats say you are watching it, my website stats say you are enjoying it, but the lack of comments say different.

To contact Paul you can visit his webspace
or email him at

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