The Paulreyno Show

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The Paulreynoshow is the most exciting and funny show on the net today..and its free to view. Here we see the Paulreyno show from its humble and naive beginings transform into what we have today. The show started as the Spliffy Show and developed with the addition of new characters into the very much loved Paulreyno show. Sit back, Enjoy and be entertained. TO DOWNLOAD JUST CLICK ON THE MAIN HEADING OF THE CHOSEN VIDEO

My Veoh Show

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Commercial for The Paulreyno Show

Commercial for The Paulreyno Show
Video sent by paulreyno
Want a part in the Paulreyno on
Subscribe to the Paulreyno Show free today. All you have to do is visit.

enter your email address in the box provided and wait for a return email. you only then have to confirm that it is you, and you are a subscriber.

If you want a part in the show just send me a video clip of yourself or a audio clip saying the following.

"I watch the Paulreyno Show, Why arent You"

send you name with it and your web address and I will credit you at the end of the show.

Or if you want to showcase your talent send a video or audio of that and I will showcase it. with Credits.

send videos (.mov,wmv,mpg) or audio (mp3) to me through, email, Skype or yahoo, if you are gonna send by yahoo contact me through myspace first.

my skype id is ...paulreyno

my yahoo id is ...theonlypaulreyno


look forward to hearing from you.

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