The Paulreyno Show

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The Paulreynoshow is the most exciting and funny show on the net today..and its free to view. Here we see the Paulreyno show from its humble and naive beginings transform into what we have today. The show started as the Spliffy Show and developed with the addition of new characters into the very much loved Paulreyno show. Sit back, Enjoy and be entertained. TO DOWNLOAD JUST CLICK ON THE MAIN HEADING OF THE CHOSEN VIDEO

My Veoh Show

Saturday, February 17, 2007

the empty chair

HaHaHa, I just got a message here on Dailymotion, supposedly from equitorial New Guinea, Now as flattered as I am to think that some one would have an opinion so strong to create a membership today with DM to tell me that the Paulreyno Show is a sack of wank, and to yell me to Fuck Off, but I know I am deluding myself in fact it is still flattering though it means that my last video hit the mark, to prove that I was telling the truth and that the person was lying otherwise they would have not risen to the bait.
So to the person who did that thank you I appreciate it, and that without the Paulreyno Show You would still be nothing, and would not have half the fans that love you now, with out the two promos, and without my songwriting skills and without my video skills well you know the answer. Remember I can make and break people through the power of video and the internet.
This latest cameo of the Paulreyno Show features one of my poems and a new character.
The Paulreyno Show was wonderful when it was helping you, remember that.
DONT msg me to tell me that it is out of sync, it is intentional.

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