The Paulreyno Show

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The Paulreynoshow is the most exciting and funny show on the net today..and its free to view. Here we see the Paulreyno show from its humble and naive beginings transform into what we have today. The show started as the Spliffy Show and developed with the addition of new characters into the very much loved Paulreyno show. Sit back, Enjoy and be entertained. TO DOWNLOAD JUST CLICK ON THE MAIN HEADING OF THE CHOSEN VIDEO

My Veoh Show

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The music show with mr spliffy

The music show with mr spliffy
Video sent by paulreyno
Bridley has it's own TV station with lots of different programs for all tastes. This is one of the most popular features. Mr Spliffy presents a "chat" show around a famous group and he invites guests to make their comments only Mr Spliffy does what he does best, he is as always obnoxious.

Bridley l'a doit posséder la station de TV avec un bon nombre de différents programmes pour tout le goût. C'est l'un des dispositifs les plus populaires. Les présents de M. Spliffy une exposition de "causerie" autour d'un groupe et de lui célèbres invite des invités à faire leur M. Spliffy de commentaires seulement fait ce qu'il fait mieux, il est comme toujours désagréable. Ici nous rencontrons deux nouveaux caractères de la série de Bridley.

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