The Paulreyno Show

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The Paulreynoshow is the most exciting and funny show on the net today..and its free to view. Here we see the Paulreyno show from its humble and naive beginings transform into what we have today. The show started as the Spliffy Show and developed with the addition of new characters into the very much loved Paulreyno show. Sit back, Enjoy and be entertained. TO DOWNLOAD JUST CLICK ON THE MAIN HEADING OF THE CHOSEN VIDEO

My Veoh Show

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Political Correctness ...My Arse

Political Correctness ...My Arse
Video sent by paulreyno
Again we are approaching the silly season where Christians everywhere celebrate Christmas. However there are always some idiots who want to spoil it for everybody, who are they?. They are the Political Correctness Brigade. Who are a bunch of middle class idiots who have nothing better to do than to act like twats.This is a swipe at them and not other faiths.
Also Britains very first proper dj, who was responsible for the first chart countdown, died last week Guy Young does a Paulreyno Show tribute to Alan "fluff" Freeman.
The music is provided by a bunch of young musicians from the North East called Midterm Break.

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